School Overview

School Overview
At DDIS our aim is to ensure that every child learns through access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to challenge and support individual children. We strive to create a stimulating learning environment which will engage all children and make them want to learn. This means that they will develop a love for learning and a natural curiosity which will stay with them throughout their life. We monitor children’s progress and development carefully so that new skills andideas can be introduced as soon as child is ready to progress to the next stage of learning.
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We believe that children learn more effectively from first hand experiences and we provide these through PRACTICAL LESSONS and by offering a wide range of off-site learning enrichment opportunities for all pupils to learn and achieve and it promotes pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We know that the mental health and well-being is an integral part of the school curriculum. We also ensure that we prepare students for the Opportunities, Responsibility and Experiences of life in today’s lifestyle.
These include:-
In the pre-primary and reception classes a few guiding principles shape and strengthen our spirits.
Unique Child:- Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured.
Positive Relationship:- Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
Enabling Environment:- Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between teachers and parents.
Develop and Learn in Different Ways:- Children learn and develop in different ways at different rates. We have overview of experienced topics which is designed to provide a broad balanced curriculum covering the specific areas of learning-
We follow the children’s interest when planning for each class and recognize the importance of involving the children in choosing Activities and Resources.
Child initiated learning is an important part of our daily routine and whenever possible adult-directed activities are play based, active and related to the children’s interests. Children and parents are encouraged to be involved in the next steps for learning journey and parent’s consultations.
At DDIS our learning journals are online which enables parents to easily access information about their child and make an important contribution to their child’s learning through observing, getting involved in their play, supporting their thinking and asking open questions.
Our teaching of English/Hindi involves five specific areas of the National Curriculum:-
Computer:- As well as being taught discretely, we build in opportunities for the use of computer in all subject areas. We use the interactive whiteboards, laptops, computer (smart classes) to aid our teaching and involve the children. Keeping safe on online is an integral part of our curriculum. The computer laboratory enables a class to work independently on a variety of packages such as Microsoft office, Educational programmes, web based resources. The children will have learnt to create animations, manipulate sounds, code, blog, Email, use word, PowerPoint and Spreadsheet skills.