Safety & Security

Safety & Security


During school hours it is only possible to enter through School Reception Desk. Please inform about your visit in advance to avoid any kind of inconvenience.


Children should be brought to school and collected by an Adult. If you will not be able to collect your child inform the school, please let us know who and how will be the child collected from school. We Will NOT Release Your Child to Any other person unless we have had a message from you. Please make sure that we know how to contact you by Telephone.
Your cooperation ensures the safety of the children also the good relationship between the school and our neighbours in the adjacent roads, while you park your cars and drive slowly and carefully so as for the safety of the students who are walking around.


Parental Involvement

We are grateful for all the help we receive from parents. If you feel that you can help in any way please let us know. We welcome parents who are able to assist the children during lesson time which includes a weekly ROTA in the Nursery section.
Parents may like to read to the children, listen to them read, play games and help on the computer or with cooking. Others may like to make, mend or wash equipment; other may have interests or hobbies that they can share with the children or they may wish to help on visits.
Parents are requested to support the use of library books by reading it out to them.