Chairman’s Message

Chairman's Message
Welcome to Doon Defence International School. We firmly believe that education should be for life, not just for living. Education should serve to not only develop one’s intelligence and skills, but also help broaden one’s outlook and make a person useful to society and the world at large. I hope this prospectus will give you a flavour of the quality of education available at DDIS to help make your decision a little easier.
At DDIS the students also learn about culture, customs and religions of other people in order to appreciate the Universal Oneness and human values that are essential for the development of character. The students are also led towards the development of a healthy attitude and values need for personal, family, community, national and world harmony.
DDIS develops young people into compassionate, future leaders and faces of our students show how they feel about our school.
I hope to have the opportunity to welcome you and your child to DDIS in future.
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